While Co-Active Coaching is the foundation of my work, I have added so much more to my offerings. I have a unique toolbox to help you through so many of today’s concerns: anxiety, depression, loneliness, fear, and lethargy, to name a few. I will teach you energetic tools and techniques to influence your life by transforming ordinary moments into opportunities for you to be (dare I say) extraordinary!


Alphabetical order. Scroll down for more information.

Co-Active Life Coaching

Collaborative coaching for your personal and professional growth. Learn more.

Energy-based practice using crystals for your holistic well-being. Learn more.

Crystal Therapy

Emotional Freedom Techniques

A technique using tapping to release your emotional blockages. Learn more.

Essential Oils

Concentrated plant extracts used for various therapeutic purposes. Learn more.

Everyday Alchemy™

Daily rituals and practices for your lifelong transformation. Learn more.


Unlocking your mind's potential for positive change. Learn more.

Intuitive Guidance

Uncovering your inner wisdom for empowered decision-making. Learn more.

Matrix Imprinting

Healing deep-seated patterns in your energy field. Learn more.

Psychosensory Techniques

Using sensory input to promote emotional healing. Learn more.

Usui Reiki Energy Healing

Balancing and healing your Universal life force energy. Learn more.


Co-Active Life and Business Coaching

For over twenty years, I have employed Co-Active Life and Business Coaching, which at its most basic, is creating an equal relationship between you (the client), me (the coach), and the Universe. It’s your life. They are your dreams. Believe it or not, you have the answers. My responsibility as a coach is to reconnect you with your inherent wisdom to find those answers. I will guide you in aligning your values, vision, and purpose—and through this shared space, you will find the courage to act and deliver the results you seek.


Crystal Therapy

Full disclosure: I love crystals! My house and yard are full of crystals. Their healing properties are well known to benefit your mind, body, and soul. Other benefits include the flow of good energy, accumulating wealth, finding love, and harmonic living with Mother Nature. You can wear crystals, place them strategically within your home, work, car, or use them outside. And there are so many types of crystals we can use such as quartz (infuses positivity and energy), obsidian (promotes clarity and compassion), or citrine (encourages optimism and warmth). Their benefits are endless!


Emotional Freedom Techniques

Also known as EFT or Tapping, Emotional Freedom Techniques use a method of tapping meridian or acupuncture points on your hands, face, and body. While focusing on an unresolved issue or a feeling of anxiousness, I teach you how to tap into those traumas by connecting to your subconscious and releasing emotional pain. Through this technique, you can minimize stress or fear, remove doubt, reduce cravings, or even find the courage you didn’t know existed. EFT is a safe and effective form of therapy that I have used successfully for my clients.


Essential Oils

Essential oils are natural, aromatic chemical compounds extracted from plants. Their “essence” is a unique aromatic compound that you can either smell or absorb through your skin. Essential oils stimulate our limbic system which controls multiple unconscious physiological roles such as blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate. In addition, I use essential oils in support of psychological maladies such as anxiety, depression, fear, or upset. Whether it’s peppermint to help with a stomachache, lavender to release stress, or tea tree to boost immunity, essential oils have been a big help to me and my clients. To learn more, visit my DoTERRA page.


Everyday Alchemy™

Based on my experience and learnings, I have formulated programs that share the best of these techniques and more like Everything Is Energy. Everyday Alchemy is a fusion of what I have learned and what I have witnessed to bring forth daily intentions, rituals, and practices to cleanse, clarify and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. It’s from this foundation that old, damaging patterns are updated with new, positive paradigms, built to last a lifetime. It is like a defrag for your soul. In addition, I have developed other programs such as Energetic Hygiene™ and Uplift Daily™ as new tools to help you with the rigors and challenges of our 21st Century everyday lives. There is so much more to this human experience beyond the ordinary.



As part of my repertoire of services, hypnosis is a powerful tool to remove mental roadblocks, assuage fears, and amplify courage. I do this by concurrently putting you in a deep state of relaxation but also a heightened state of concentration. This allows you to be open to making powerful changes in your emotions, paradigms, memories, behaviors, and thoughts. Think of this as upgrading your internal software. In your tranced state, negative beliefs are modified (or replaced) with positive, constructive thoughts that build a new you.


Intuitive Guidance

Intuitive guidance is a deeply personal and profound form of support I use to tap into the innate wisdom and intuition within each person. It involves receiving insight and clarity through a heightened sense of knowing, sometimes bypassing logical reasoning. I use this guidance to draw upon an individual's inner knowledge and connection to a broader source of wisdom. For me, it will serve as a compass, offering direction and understanding in various aspects of your life, from relationships and career decisions to personal growth and spiritual development.


Matrix Reimprinting

Matrix Reimprinting takes EFT (per the above) to the next step by bringing up a memory and altering its meaning or context to clear trauma. Oftentimes, we are stuck in a fight, flight, or freeze response with an inability to find a resolution. This leads to unconscious anger, unhappiness, or depression. In working with you, I can help bring about profound shifts in your core beliefs, freeing your emotional pain. This process releases the emotional charge of a negative event and transforms limiting beliefs into constructive, powerful thoughts. Without retraumatizing you in the process!  


Psychosensory Techniques

Psychosensory therapy is a type of treatment using sensory input such as sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell to transform our thoughts, moods, and behavior. With roots in ancient China, psychosensory therapy can be an effective tool for stress, depression, and anxiety. By altering our senses, we can change how we feel. A simple example is how music, Solfeggio frequencies, can alter our mood. Like music, I use a variety of techniques to improve your well-being and restore balance when you are struggling from within.


Usui Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki comes from Japan as a type of energy healing. With the use of hands-on healing (done locally or remote), Reiki transfers a form of spiritual or life energy from practitioner to client. Its purpose is to encourage emotional or physical healing. To activate this type of healing, I use gentle hand movements to guide the flow of healthy energy through your body to reduce anxiety and encourage healing. I have found with my clients that this noninvasive work can be transformative and inspiring. And since energy is non-local I can work on anyone anywhere on the planet!